Thanksgiving Turkey Order Information

It’s Time to order your Thanksgiving Turkey!

Please place your special bird order by November 11 – to give us time to coordinate the delivery between our Farms and You.

Stonewood Farm and CSA Pastured Meat and Poultry are offering FRESHLY FROZEN BIRDS. They will be delivered on NOVEMBER 24 at your normal distribution site, along with all of our monthly meat, cheese, etc. offerings so you also have the choice of our full range of products for your holiday entertaining. We are ordering a few extra birds too to try to accommodate those who make plans later on in November. If you would like to order, you will place a special order on the website for the Thanksgiving birds. Please place an order for all other products SEPARATE from the turkey order!

Stonewood Farm specializes in premium quality turkeys with superior flavor and juiciness that can only be grown in Vermont. They grow their turkeys naturally; that is they do not feed antibiotics or growth hormones. They raise their turkeys for your family without using any preservatives or artificial ingredients. Just plenty of fresh Vermont air, cool nights, green pastures, good feed and tender loving care on their family farm.  Paul Stone was the Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Vermont.

Turkeys are offered freshly frozen in 10 sizes. Turkey is priced at $3.95/lb.

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 12 - 13.9 lbs. each.

·       These will be about $47 to $55 based on $3.95 per pound price.

·      Whole Turkey— will be between 14 – 15.9 lbs each

·       These will be about $55 to $63 based on $3.95 per pound price.

·      Whole Turkey—will be between y 16 - 17.9 lbs. each.

·      These will be about $63 to $71 based on $3.95 per pound price.

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 18 - 19.9 lbs. each.

·      These will be about $71 to $79 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between  20 – 21.9 lbs. each

·      These will be about $79 to $87 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 22 – 23.9 lbs. each

·      These will be about $87 to $94 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 24 – 25.9 lbs. each

·      These will be about $94 to $102 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between  26 – 27.9 lbs. each

·      These will be about $102 to $110 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 28 – 29.9 lbs. each

·      These will be about $110 to $118 based on $3.95 per pound price

·      Whole Turkey—will be between 30 – 45 lbs. each

·      These will be about $119 to $178 based on $3.95 per pound price

Please enter your separate order for Thanksgiving by fax or email to Nancy Brown at or 518-692-3120 (both a phone and fax. – press start right after dialing to fax!)

Please include Your Name, CSA and Phone # with your choices.

Alan & Nancy Brown