Notes from Green Thumb Farm

September is over and our summer crops are winding down. Our fall crops are beginning. Look for many varieties of greens over the next 2 months including - Bok-choi, pac-choi, red choi, tat-soi, senopasi, red Komatsuma, mizuna, purple mizuna, red mustard, Southern green mustard, 3 types of Broccoli Raab, arugala, swiss chards, as well as many types of lettuces and radichios. Kales, Broccolis, cabbages and cauliflowers toard the end of the month. Still much to look forward to.

Farm tour and Pumpkin picking scheduled for Saturday, October 9. Reservations required as it is a riding tour in a tractor pulled wagon. Please call (631) 726-1900 between 9 - 4:30 for more information.

All the rain in the past 2 weeks have about ended our tomato crop. They had been so water starved, then with so much rain even the green ones have begun to split. Much better, though, than our last 2 years of harvest. That is Farming!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill