Notes from Green Thumb Farm

We had our annual fall farm tour and pumpkin picking last Saturday and it was a beautiful day to visit the farm. I would like to thank everyone and their families who took the time to visit us. It was a great opportunity for us to meet and talk about organic farming and CSAs. Next June 2011 will be the next chance to visit us for next season's strawberry picking so mark your calendars!

As the weather becomes cooler our crop selection is slowly changing. Winter squashs- Butternut, acorn, carnaval and delicata have all been harvested and stored in the barn for distribution over the next few months. Sweet potatoes, also, are curing in the greenhouse. In addition our field crops in the cole family - broccoli and cauliflowers; cabbages; kales and brussel sprouts; lots of greens and root crops of many types are all coming in in the next two months.

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill