Share Menu - October 20, 2010

Hello Members,

Below is the share menu for the week as well as a note about a few of the unusual items in the share. Please remember that pick-up is 5:30 to 7:30 PM tomorrow (Tuesday, October 20) evening and please remember to bring bags for your items.

Vegetable Share
- sweet potatoes
- lettuce
- string beans
- winter squash
- diakon
- senposai

Fruit Share
- TBD, but probably pears and apples

There are some familiar items in this weeks share but there are two that you may or may not have come across before. Diakon is a type of radish. You will find it, often, in Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisines. I encourage you to search for interesting recipes for this item but also know that it is lovely thinly sliced and served on or as a salad with a simple dressing. As with all radishes, the greens are lovely sauteed, in salads and made into pesto.

Senposai is a hybrid of cabbage and Komatsuna greens. Komatsuna is also known as "spinach mustard". Senposai is lovely sauteed, in salads or used in place of greens such as spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens, collards or cabbage in dishes calling for those items. One of my favorite products from Lewis Waite is the smoked keilbasa which would be lovely with a saute of Senposai and roasted sweet potato on the side.