Using Your Share - Early October


It is early October and we are still getting fresh tomatoes and summer squash. Come January, we'll be wishing we had them again but right now I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what to do with the bounty! For starters, I found an excellent change of pace in this recipe from one of my favorite blogs, Smitten Kitchen: and it is easy to find store bought puff pastry these days. I've found several types at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's has some and Pepperidge Farms puff pastry is excellent and available at Key Foods.

Every year around this time, I make several batches of zucchini bread and/or muffins. This year, I changed up my recipe in favor of one that uses less sugar. I also use sunflower oil and whole wheat flour to make this a healthier treat: . These freeze really well and I find the muffins make a nice item to include in my child's lunchbox!

These past few weeks, we have been receiving winter greens and that will continue through the Fall. I love the fact that hearty greens like mitzuna and tsa tsai can be used raw, on a sandwich, AND included by a handful or two tossed with pasta or a veggie sautee. Further, you can combine blanched broccoli or rabe, an herb like chives, basil or cilantro and a cup of these greens to make an incredible variation of pesto that will taste good on pasta, fish, mixed into rice or over roasted winter squash purees.

Speaking of winter squash, we'll be getting in more and more soon, along with sweet potatoes. Here are a few favorite recipes to keep things interesting!

- Acorn squash and arugula (or mitzuna) salad: (Note: I thought balsamic and roasted garlic a nice addition to this recipe!)
- Vegetarian Mexican happiness:
- Cookies with some heft: (note: use 1 cup puree of fresh sweet potato or pumpkin)
- sweet potato salad:

Last but not least, I want to encourage you to order some of the amazing products we have access to through Lewis Waite Farms! We are so lucky to have farm fresh goat cheese, feta, cheddar, eggs, honey and so many other products. Here are a few recipes to help inspire your next order!
- lamb chops:
- to die for BRISKET:
- Cheese muffins: (I really love using a mix of cheddar and colby jack or middletown tomme. All are available through LWF.)
- Farro and tomato salad:
- Freekeh pilaf:
- Ginger cookies using spelt, butter and eggs from LWF:

Happy Fall and Happy Eating!