Even if you don't stay with Hellgate CSA, there are other options nearby

We understand that people move and schedules change. Maybe you're not living in the Ditmars area of Queens anymore or maybe Tuesday nights are already spoken for, but you still want local, organic produce coming into your life once a week. Consider Harvest CSA on Crescent near 30th Avenue. Harvest CSA is having their membership drive on March 26th, at the Church of the Redeemer at 30-14 Crescent Street, between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. In order to join you must show up. 

Remember, even if the details of your life change, there is probably a CSA nearby. Just Food, which coordinates the CSAs in New York City, has a CSA finder by zip code right on their front page, so go there if you've actually left the Astoria area. Even if you aren't a Hellgater, remain a CSA-er!