
CSA share for 11/25/14

Your vegetable share will be:
Sweet potatoes
Carnival winter squash
Red Russian kale
Your choice of thyme, rosemary or sage
Herb share: sage or rosemary

NO MORE FRUIT SHARE--all done. But there will be the tortilla/salsa share and
the separate mole share AND Lewis Waite.

And the fish share, if you get it.

Happy Thankgiving!

Anaheim Pepper Mac and Cheese

It's cold out, so it's nice after a long week to have something delicious and comforting, but just a little bit different. Putting Anaheim peppers in my macaroni and cheese added great color and flavor. You can serve this as a side dish, but in my house it was a full meal for two. Since I added vegetables to the macaroni and cheese, it's health food, right? 


3 tablespoons unsalted butter

1/2 cup finely chopped onion

2 tablespoons flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

2 cups milk

What to do with Mizuna?

I really enjoy mizuna, sometimes called Japanese mustard greens. You could chop it up and add it to your salad, but it doesn't take much to turn the raw green into a nice, hot side dish. I like this reci

1 bunch mizuna, about 10 ounces

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil

1 teaspoon fish sauce (or ponzu)

1/4 lemon, fresh

salt to taste, about 1/4 teaspoon

freshly ground pepper


1. Wash and drain mizuna. Roughly chop into 1-inch segments and set aside.


Yam and Apple Bake

Fall flavors abound in this Yam and Apple Bake, a recipe that a friend passed along the other day, that her family has enjoyed for many years. Perfect for when you look at your pantry full of CSA yams and apples and think, what now?


4 medium-sized yams, cubed

2 apples, peeled, cored and cubed

¼ c finely chopped onion

¼ c brown sugar, firmly packed

½ tsp dried marjoram (can substitute with sage or oregano)

2 Tbsp butter or margarine

1/3 c water

3 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

¼ lb. Cheddar cheese, grated (1 c)

Pakchoi and Mushroom Saute

Pakchoi/bok choi are among the vegetables I look forward to receiving most during the season. I love the flavor, and the satisfying crunch if they are cooked just right. I love to combine them with mushrooms in this easy recipe, perfect for a quick side on busy nights.


Pakchoi and Mushroom Saute

1 lb. pakchoi, root end removed, stems and leaves cut into 1-inch pieces

1 lb. mushrooms of your choice, sliced

1 tablespoon garlic-flavored olive oil

salt and pepper

optional flavor enhancers: 1 tsp. sesame oil or fish sauce


Notes from Green Thumb Farm: October 19

We had our fall farm tour this past weekend--the weather was beautiful and I would like to thank all that came out to see and learn a little about what we are doing. We saw many of our fall greens, radishes, turnips, and kales--multiple varieties of each. 

Our sweet potatoes were finally harvested about 2 weeks ago. The crop looks plentiful so we will be bringing those in throughout the rest of our season. We still have lots of winter squash in storage as well. 
