Core Member Corner - January meeting report


Hello all Hellgate CSA members and thank you for participating in this year's evaluation of the 2009 season!

The Core members, who help keep the CSA rolling along, met over the results of the evaluation this year and wanted to let you know that we took your mostly positive comments, but a few negatives, to heart. One of the biggest things we realized is that more transparency of what the Core members do, week in and week out, is necessary. SO, without further ado, we are introducing the "Core Member Corner" and every month, I'll be posting last month's meeting's main points. Additionally, if you would like to have a copy of the minutes in full, you can email and one of the Core members (we all check the email account...) will forward you a copy of those minutes for your reading enjoyment.

Obviously, the first order of business for our January meeting was to discuss the evaluations and reflect on how we could best respond to anything that might displease our members. Overall, it seems everyone has been happy with the produce and the organization, but there are always ways that year to year, we can improve.

Our volunteer coordinator reported that, in addition to filling out evaluations, most of you have taken to heart the community support side of the CSA and have done an amazing job of volunteering and pitching in this year. We, every single member, should be saying thank you to one another for awesome produce. Each one of you is part of what makes this happen every week with your amazing attitude and gracious gift of your time.

After the evaluations and volunteering were discussed, a major topic was the implimentation of Food Stamp acceptance. We are looking into this further, with several of our core members researching, attending workshops, speaking with experts and reflecting on the logistics. In addition, we are researching other options for helping members unable to afford the CSA shares.

The potluck was up for discussion at the January meeting and the main organizer, Sara had a few points of order....mainly paying for the rental space at the church and also, for paper products, but the event had a great turnout. More are planned for the upcoming year and with a nod to further transparency of the running of the CSA, a general annual meeting, where all members are invited to attend and comment/question, was proposed. A date for next year is not set but early Fall is the thought and a potluck will be combined with that event as suggested by Meghan and Gretchen.

Finally, you all probably saw the amazing job Harlan did organizing the Bean/Flour share for winter. Tomorrow is the deadline for orders. Note that some of the grain berries are sproutable! A lot of work goes into negotiating and organizing this order and delivery. Thanks Harlan!

Again, month to month, we'll be posting a summary of the core meeting goings on. Please email us at for the full minutes.