Lewis Waite Farm News - February 2010

A full week’s vacation is such a treat. Freeing you to do what you want without thought of chores, animals, other people’s schedules, and allowing you to do whatever comes your way or whatever you direct feels very different to our normal days. Since our vacations are few and usually short, we visited my nephew Brian’s family and Alan’s Aunt Betty’s family in Maine and my sister Beverly’s family in Massachusetts. The driving time was great for planning, business discussions, and task lists for when we got home. The family time was pure pleasure in catching up with folks we have not seen in a while.

   Brian and Allie’s winery is going strong with his fourth vintage almost ready for bottling soon. This spring his grape vines are old to allow them to bear a small crop of grapes as long as he can keep the deer and turkeys from munching on them! His winery is Oyster River Wine Growers in Warren Maine. Their cute little 2 year old daughter Sadie kept me busy for three days playing, painting, reading and walking on their farm with their cat, dog, two goats, and Mom & Dad. Allie is an herbalist and homesteader and we traded lots of ideas about self sufficiency and tinctures. Aunt Betty and her sons and their children came to see us when we arrived at her lovely end of the farmhouse and barn in Hancock Maine, near Bar Harbor. It was one of those very cold windy days and our tour of their three houses on the farm was a very brisk walk. Her sons are masters at making furniture and houses and although new, they look like they have been around for 100 years!

   Beverly, Dana, Katie and Laura showed us around their house renovation project, Katie’s college, Wellesley, and some highlights of their area. Their house renovations and kitchen re-arranging were very inspiring. When we got home we looked at our own kitchen and tried to see how some small improvements would make a big impact on how we use the area.

   So now we are back in action with a refreshed perspective, a lot of family memories, and a host of new topics that were discussed along the way. We are easing back into the flow of the farm in winter and hatching a few more ideas about where to go next!! Hope you all are well and happy and looking forward to your next vacation too!

Best wishes,
Nancy and Alan

New Product News

Lewis Waite Farm is happy to announce the addition of the following products available for your next order…

We are in the process of expanding our pork items. Eagle Bridge Custom Meats in White Creek, NY are now providing us with:

·         Boston Butt – A hefty cut perfect for cook ‘em low and slow recipes

·         Rack of Ribs – Spare ribs by another name

·         Sirloin Chops – Meaty pork chops great with mashed potatoes and a fresh salad

·         Sirloin Roasts – A flavorful option for guests or a family meal

And two new pork sausages!

·         Bratwurst – Great on the grill or in the skillet.

·         Maple Breakfast Sausage Links – These small links are the perfect addition to a weekend breakfast or brunch

A new batch of Beef inventory includes:

·         Flank and Skirt Steaks!

·         And all kinds of our normally available beef cuts

New cheese from West River Creamery!

·         Equinox – An oil rubbed, firm cheese. Aged for approximately 5 months. Flavor is savory with herbal undertones. Available in ½ lb., 1 lb., and whole wheel.

Consider Bardwell Farm is taking a break this winter from offering their cheeses through our CSA delivery. You can find them at the Union Square Greenmarket this winter. Their wonderful cheeses will be available for our CSA deliveries once again come June.

Ave Maria Gillis of Gillis Acres Farm will not be able to supply us with her wonderful Chevres and Mozzerella for the month of February.   The goats milk production is down this time of year.   All the milk she does get from the goats not dryed off,  she uses for her customers  and members goats milk standing orders.  Once kidding season begins she should have plenty of milk for her fresh cheeses.

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Alan & Nancy Brown
135 Lewis Hill Lane
Town of Jackson
Greenwich,  NY  12834
Lewis Waite Farm