Notes From Green Thumb Farm, 23 July 2007


farmer-bill.jpg July is upon us and it's amazing what some rain and warm weather can do.  Crops seem to be coming in in abundance, summer squash is moving along, as well as beans of all types, carrots, and scallions. Cucumbers are starting, too.

After the birds ate out first planting of peas, they seem to have left the other two plantings alone, so these current peas are fine. We also have broccoli and cabbages for a short time. We're still picking our lettuces, beets, swiss chards, and a few herbs as well - basil is happening also. So, the next few weeks will be filled with the summer's bounty!

Tomatoes and eggplant should be ready by the end of the month. The plants look very good, but take a little longer to produce their fruits.

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill