
Lewis Waite Farm News - February 2010

A full week’s vacation is such a treat. Freeing you to do what you want without thought of chores, animals, other people’s schedules, and allowing you to do whatever comes your way or whatever you direct feels very different to our normal days. Since our vacations are few and usually short, we visited my nephew Brian’s family and Alan’s Aunt Betty’s family in Maine and my sister Beverly’s family in Massachusetts. The driving time was great for planning, business discussions, and task lists for when we got home.

Meat and Dairy Order Reminder - February

Hello all,

Today is the deadline for all goat milk orders with Lewis Waite. Thursday by midnight is the deadline for all other meat and dairy orders. Meat and Dairy, along with the Bean and Flour shares, will be delivered next Tuesday night, February 16th.

See additional post of news from Lewis Waite farm but thank you for a timely order and for your support to the Lewis Waite Farms. Remember there is a late order fee.


Best brown rice


I always had trouble cooking brown rice until I ran across a new method in Saveur. Although we haven't received brown rice in our shares, I cook it so often to go along with other items from our share, I thought it worth posting. This method is very different from any other way I've cooked rice in the past, but it delivers the best brown rice I've ever made!

Notes From Green Thumb Farm

This is our last Newsletter of the season. We would like to thank all our members for supporting us and being part of our farm family. Our CSA's have helped us continue farming the land which has been farmed for 12 generations here on Eastern Long Island. Having a market for our certified organic fruits and vegetables throughout the season has been instrumental in keeping us farming. 

Mashed Rutabagas

Mashed Rutabagas
adapted from several recipes

- 1 and 1/2 to 2 pds. rutabagas
- salt and pepper
- 3 to 4 tbsp. butter
- 1/4 cup of cream
- 1 small shallot, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 2 slices of slab cut bacon(optional), chopped
