
We Need Your Bags!


If you have any leftover or extra plastic bags, please consider donating them to the Hellgate CSA!  We're in need of bags especially for this week's distribution.  Just bring them by and we'll take care of them.  Thank you!



Just a reminder that if you haven't signed up for your volunteer shift, please consider doing it ASAP. As a member of the CSA, you are required to help out during one of two time slots on distribution days. Each is 3 hours - 12-3pm or 5-8pm. When you send an email to with you volunteer request, be sure to include the following:

Hepworth Farms


Hepworth Farms ApplesA number of people have come forward asking whether the fruit from Hepworth Farms, source of our fruit share, is organic. I understand this concern, as pesticide and spray residue are a worry to a lot of us.

Upcoming Composting Event!


On Saturday July 21st, come join our master composters from the Queens Botanical Garden and learn how to have fun and help the environment... with worms!

The New York City Compost Project can get you composting right away! At the seminar, you can purchase your very own bin for $10, and you also get a voucher for your first pound of worms. It's bound to be an interesting and educational day.

Bags, Bags, Bags


We need your plastic bags!

If you can spare any, please bring them to distribution - we are running very low as of today.  If you have some to share, please do!  We can take as many as you are willing to bring.

Thanks, and see you at distribution tomorrow!

Hellgate CSA Flickr Group


I just wanted to remind you of the CSA's flickr group!  It can be found, here:

For those who are not familiar with flickr, it is a photo sharing site.  If you have a flickr account, please consider joining the group, and posting your pictures of all that is Hellgate CSA-related.  If you don't have a flickr account, it is very easy to create one.  It's free to join, too.
We hope to see you there!

Bags, Bags, Bags


A big thank you to all who came with their own bags, and especially to those who came with cloth bags. We support and encourage re-use and sustainable patterns like these. However, if you are lacking in the cloth bag department, fear not! We are in the process of ordering some wonderful environmentally-friendly bags from Enviro-Tote, which specializes in producing bags made of recycled cotton and organic cotton.

Farmer Bill Visit POSTPONED


So, circumstances beyond our control have forced us to postone Farmer Bill's visit to the Freeze Peach Cafe.  We are looking to reschedule and will let you know when that is, via the blog.  We're sorry about this, but we hope he will be able to visit with prospective members in the not too distant future.  Stay tuned!


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