Notes from Green Thumb Farm, 15 October 2007


farmer-bill.jpgOctober is here and finally the summer heat seems over - those 80 degree plus days early in the month really pushed our vegetables. Our broccoli and lettuce plantings scheduled for November harvests are ready now, four weeks early!

However, we have plenty of fall greens planted - many oriental greens of different types, as well as arugula, broccoli raabs, and swiss chards. We will have plenty of radishes and leeks, as well as rutabagas, three types of turnips and several types of winter radishes. Sweet potatoes were a smaller harvest than last year, but our winter squash harvest has been better than normal, so we'll have several types of these over the next several weeks.

The seasonality continues and we have much to be thankful for.

Organically yours,

Farmer Bill