
Share Menu - September 25, 2012


Hello members,
Vegetable Share
- mizuna (a salad green)
- mini tomatoes (one pint)
- romano beans (Italian flat string bean)
- summer squash
- sorrel (a salad green and herb. Compliments chicken and fish.)
- carrots
Lewis Waite Farms is delivering this week so if you have placed an order with them, please pick up your order during our normal distribution time tomorrow evening.

Share Menu - September 11, 2012

Hello Members,

Tomorrow we receive a delivery from Lewis Waite Farms. If you ordered from them for delivery this week, make sure you stop by for pick-up!

Vegetable Share
- mini-tomatoes (one pint)
- beets
- green beans
- summer squash
- eggplant
- sweet peppers


Please remember to bring your own bags. Happy Eating!

Share Menu - September 4, 2012

Hello Members,

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful long holiday weekend! If you are able, please consider volunteering tomorrow for set-up! Also, the Lewis Waite orders are due tomorrow evening for next week delivery.

Vegetable Share
- large tomatoes
- sweet peppers
- eggplant
- string beans
- summer squash
- carrots
- basil

Fruit Share

Herb Share
- chives
- rosemary

Happy Eating!


Share Information - August 28, 2012

Hello Members!

This week get out your favorite Tex-Mex and salsa recipes because you are going to have ALL the ingredients!

Vegetable Share
- mini tomatoes (one pint)
- scallions
- summer squash
- sweet peppers
- hot green peppers
- tomatillos
- cilantro

Fruit Share

Also, Lewis Waite Farm order pick-ups will be at tomorrow's distro. Happy Eating!

Share Menu - August 21st

Hello all,

Please consider volunteering tomorrow for set-up or distro and please bring your own bags and extra to donate, if you have them.

Happy Eating!

Vegetable Share
- eggplant
- lettuce
- green beans
- canteloupe
- large tomatoes
- basil

Herb Share
- sorrell
- savory

Fruit Share

Basil Shares: Please check your account prior to pick up.

Share Menu - August 7, 2012

Hello Members,

Please see below the share menu for this week. Please volunteer if you are
able and please remember to bring your own bags!

Vegetable Share
- Leeks
- Radishes
- Fennel
- Cucumbers
- lettuce
- Squash
- choice of oregano or chives

Fruit Share

Herb Share
- Rosemary
- thyme

Basil Shares: There are 3 members getting basil shares this week. Please
check your account to confirm prior to picking up.

Share Menu - July 31, 2012

Hello all,

Below is tomorrow's share menu. Tomorrow's volunteers at distribution may point out measurements on our new scales. We've noticed that some folks get confused on the amounts/ scale readings, so there may be volunteers pointing out proper weights on the scales tomorrow. This will hopefully help all members receive a more equal amount per share of every item.
