
Share Menu - August 22, 2011

Hello members,

Below is this week's share menu. Please bring your own bags and if you have any bags to donate for fellow member use, please bring them in this week! We could really use extras as we ran out entirely last week so if you have a pile of them crowding your kitchen, please consider bringing them in tomorrow and thanks!

Vegetable Share
- Leeks
- tomatoes
- lettuce
- string beans
- summer squash
- eggplant

Fruit Share

Share Menu - August 16, 2011

Hello members,

This week's menu is:

Vegetable Share

- mini tomatoes
- cantaloupes
- eggplant
- summer squash
- sweet peppers
- string beans

Fruit Share


Basil Shares will also be delivered. Please check your account to make sure you purchased a share this week prior to picking it up.

Happy Eating!

Share Menu - August 2, 2011

Hello Members,

Below is this week's share menu. Please remember to bring your own bags and any you would like to donate to other members.

Vegetable Share
- lettuce
- 1 pint of mini-tomatoes
- sweet peppers (green and purple)
- radishes
- mix of summer squash, cucumbers and some bitter melon (to be weighed)

Fruit Share

Share Menu - July 26, 2011

Hello Members,

Below is the list of shares we'll be receiving tomorrow at distribution. Please remember to bring your own bags and any extras you may wish to donate to other members. Please, also, remember that distribution is 5:30 to 7:30 on Tuesdays. If you cannot pick-up during this specified regular time, please arrange for a friend or family member to pick-up for you during regular distribution time or your share will be donated at the end.

Lettuce and Mint Soup



If you're like me, finding new ways to use up all the CSA lettuce is one of the big challenges of the season. This recipe just came into my inbox and I must say, it looks pretty good, not to mention taking only about 30 minutes to prepare from start to finish. So, I'm sharing it with you.

Lettuce and Mint Soup
from "Vegetables from an Italian Garden" by Phaidon Press

Share Menu - July 19, 2011

Hello Members and welcome to another wonderful week of farm fresh food!

Vegetable Share:
- Choice of Sugar snap peas OR Snow peas
- Green and Yellow beans (these will be weighed out by members so you can mix, if you like)
- summer squash
- spring onions
- lettuce

Bill also said that he hopes to bring enough cucumbers from the field today, so we may have that added surprise to our Veggie Shares!

Herb Share:
- Sorrel
- cilantro

Fruit Share:

Share Menu - July 12, 2011

Hello Members,

We hope you had a wonderful holiday last week but like us, I bet you missed those veggies and fruit!
This week is also distribution for meat and dairy, if you have ordered, and FRUIT shares are now being delivered every week until late November. Please remember to bring your bags and extras to donate, if possible.

Vegetable Share:

- Sugar Snap Peas
- Lettuce
- Fennel
- Fava Beans
- Summer Squash
- choice of Swiss Chard or Broccoli rabe

Fruit Share:


Happy Eating!

Notes from Green Thumb Farm

Summer is here and the return of the heat. The last week has been very hot and our warm weather crops are doing well - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squashes and beans...while our cooler weather crops are winding down - peas, lettuces, herbs and other greens.
Fava beans are here for a brief harvest period. Beets, carrots and Swiss chard are starting. Fennel is ready to harvest for the next several weeks. We still have radishes for several more weeks. Onions are ready for harvest and we will be bringing them in also.
