
Share Menu- July 17, 2012


Hello Members,

Your share menu is below. Please remember that it is Lewis Waite Farm's delivery date, as well, so if you placed an order, please pick that up between 5:30 and 7:30 tomorrow evening.

Basil shares also start this week. If you placed a basil share order for this particular date, please pick that up at the regular distro time.

Vegetable Share
- Spring Onions
- Lettuce
- fennel
- string beans
- summer squash
- Swiss Chard

Fruit Share

Herb Share
- lemon thyme
- sage

Share Menu - July 10, 2012



Hello Members,


Below is your share information for tomorrow. Please remember to bring your own bags and if you have the time, please sign up to volunteer!

Vegetable Share
- lettuce
- carrots
- radicchio
- sugar snap or snow peas
- scallions
- summer squash

Fruit Share
- Peaches
- Plums

Happy Eating!




Share Menu - July 3, 2012

 Hello Members and Happy Fourth of July Holiday Week!

Please remember to bring your own bags and note that there will be many items at distro this week, so it may take longer than normal. 

Vegetable Share

- fennel
- beets
- lettuce
- peas (type TBD)
- fava beans

Herb Share

- Rosemary
- Chives

Fruit Share


Share Menu - June 26, 2012

 Hello all,

Below is this week's share information. Please remember distribution hours are 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM and to bring your own bags and, if possible, some to donate to your fellow members.

Vegetable Share

- radishes
- lettuce
- swiss chard
- kohlrabi
- snow peas
- shelling peas

Reminder: Strawberry Picking This Saturday!--and Good Carpool Karma!


Reminder:  Strawberry tour at Green Thumb Farm, this Saturday, June 16!

Tours are offered at the farm midday every 1-2 hours.  Call the farm during business hours to confirm times and RSVP—631-726-1900.  Many CSA members will be attending the noon tour, and you're welcome to join that group.

Directions and a map:

First Share Menu of the Season - June 5, 2012

Hello Members and welcome to another wonderful year of fresh local food from our CSA farmers!

We are looking forward to the first distribution tomorrow running what will be the regular time throughout the season, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Please note that tomorrow's distribution is vegetable/Green Thumb Farm only...fruit/Hepworth Farm begins slightly later in the season.

CSA Event: Strawberry Picking at Green Thumb Farm!



For Hellgate community members of all ages!

Saturday, June 16

Tours are offered at the farm midday every 1-2 hours.  Call the farm during business hours to confirm times and RSVP—631-726-1900.

As our longtime members know, Green Thumb Farm is a blast to visit and hard to get to except by car.  It takes 90-120 minutes to get there.  Directions and a map are available at

First Distribution June 5: Fresh Veggies and Core Member Meet and Greet!


Welcome to a new year of delicious produce through Hellgate CSA!

You're invited to pick up the first delivery of fresh vegetables this
Tuesday, June 5, anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 pm at Fresh Start
Organic Market (on 23rd Avenue just west of 31st Street).

This week, you'll also have the opportunity to meet many members of
the CSA's core group, who will be working this week's distribution,
greeting everyone, and answering any questions about the food, the

Share Menu - December 6, 2011

Hello Members,

This is the next to last regular distribution for this year. Please remember to bring your bags.

Vegetable Share
- Fennel
- scallions
- lettuce
- acorn squash
- carrots
- Mei Qing Choi

Herb Share (this is the last herb share of 2011's season)
- rosemary
- sage
