
General Meeting October 6!


General Meeting of Members!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
7:00-9:00 PM
Steinway Reformed Church Fellowship Hall
(corner of 41st Street/Ditmars Boulevard)

Attend an open meeting of the CSA’s core group, learn how the organization works, and voice your ideas and concerns!

Please bring a potluck dish or snack to share; the CSA will provide beverages.

Watch your email for more information about participating in the meeting.

Note from Green Thumb Farm

September is here and our season is almost half over. Our tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and melons have done well with the hot dry weather but the beet, carrots and greens have not. Our plantings of fall greens - orientals, broccoli raab and mustards - have also suffered due to the hot and dry weather. Lettuces, depending on weather, should be arriving soon.

Lewis Waite Order Deadline and News

Dear Members,
This is your friendly order reminder!
Order by Wednesday, September 8th  11:59 pm
Delivery on Tuesday, September 14th

A late order fee of $7.50 will be charged for any order received after Thursday at 9 am, as late orders cause extra work for all the farms involved.

If this is your first order, please follow the instructions on the last page of the attached order form.

Share Menu - September 7, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. See below for tomorrow's share menu. Please remember to bring your bags to distribution and if you have spares, we always appreciate donations of extra bags to help out fellow members in a pinch!

Vegetable Share
- Large Tomatoes (mixed varieties)
- Summer squash ( mixed varieties)
- string beans
- black-eyed peas (members will have to shell these out of the pod)
- eggplant
- sweet peppers (mixed varieties)
- acorn squash

Share Menu - August 31, 2010

The summer is at an end soon but we'll be enjoying summer crops for a few more weeks. Summer squash has been abundant but it will be gone before you know it. Take some time to freeze a little for a late fall treat. Zucchini bread and muffins freeze well and squash casseroles, as well as lightly sauteed onion and summer squash mixture. The same goes for your sweet peppers. I cleaned and chopped our sweet pepper share and separated small amounts into freezer bags to use in stews this fall and winter.

Using Your Share - August Edition


We are very lucky to have Green Thumb farm as our vegetable supplier in that Farmer Bill grows over 400 varieties of herbs, vegetables and fruits, many of which are heirloom varieties and therefore, rare.

This week we have several items you may not be familiar with including roumanian wax peppers, dragon tongue beans and sorrel, but do not fear as all of them are very tasty.

Note from Green Thumb Farm

Mid August and Summer is in full swing! The heat is on and dry weather continues. Tomatoes of all types are looking very good- maybe the best of this century if not longer. Last year no large tomatoes were brought in to any of our CSA groups. This year is so different. The dry heat conditions are ideal for tomatoes!

Share Menu - August 17, 2010

Vegetable Share
- mini tomatoes (one pint)
- cantaloupe
- cucumbers
- summer squash
- eggplants
- green string beans

Fruit Share

Basil Shares for those who purchased one for August 17, 2010 will also be at the pick-up. Please be sure that you name is on the list for this date before collecting a share, as there are several other Basil Share delivery dates this season.
