
News from Hellgate CSA


Dear Hellgate CSA Member:

Can you believe we only have five more weeks of the CSA?  Crazy that it's almost over!  I think it's amazing that we are still getting string beans, which I always associate with summer.  To counter that, beets are on the menu this week.  Look for a separate "special report on beets" post  with recipes and storage tips. 

Queens Green Drinks this Thursday


What's Queens Green Drinks? Very simply, it's an informal social gathering/networking event for folks that are environmentally minded. Come and I'll introduce you to some of the other like minded folks in and around Queens. If we're lucky (which is likely) we'll cross pollinate make new friends, catch up with old ones, and maybe even sprout an idea or three.

Meet Farmer Bill!


Please join us for a fun and informative meeting with Farmer Bill Halsey. Farmer Bill is making the trip out from the east end of Long Island to greet and talk with members of the Hellgate CSA. Be sure to bring your questions! Bill will be happy to answer them. He's really looking forward to meeting everyone, too.


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