
Share Menu - July 23, 2013

Hello Members,

Tomorrow will be another full distro with Tortilla shares, Herb Shares, Basil Shares and our regular fruit and vegetable shares. Please remember to bring bags and check your orders prior to pick up to make sure you have ordered a Basil Share for the particular date of delivery, July 23, 2013. There are 3 members who have ordered this week, fyi.

Happy Eating!

Herb Shares
- Basil (for those who have herb shares, you will receive a bunch of basil and it will be placed separate from the Basil Shares)

Share Menu - July 16, 2013

Hello all,

This week, distribution will be jam packed with good things to eat! We have Lewis Waite's deliveries, if you have placed an order with them, and if you ordered a Basil Share for July 16th delivery (please check your account for your date prior to pick-up!), you'll be making caprese salads and pesto all week long! Bring your bags and patience. Happy Eating!

Notes from Green Thumb Farm - July 1, 2013

Notes from Green Thumb Farm

June has come to a close and our crop selection is only increasing. Onions, beets, carrots and fennel are now ready to pick. Fava beans are coming in about a week. Our 1st planting of summer squash and beans are growing rapidly and by mid month will be ready. We still have plenty of lettuces, some culinary herbs and 3 types of peas. So plenty is coming on and much more to look forward to! The last week has been dry on the Island, a blessing after so much rain the two weeks before.

Share Menu - June 18, 2013

Hello Members,

Farmer Bill just called from Green Thumb Farm and is bringing in lovely things this week, as usual! We also have the Hepworth Farms fruit share starting up. As a side note, we often don't get notice of share contents from Hepworth ahead of time, BUT sometimes, later in the evening or on Tuesday mornings, if we do get a heads-up from them, we'll send out a separate share email.

Last Share of the Season - December 11, 2012

Hello Members,

Tomorrow is the last distro of the season. Lewis Waite Farms will be making deliveries throughout the winter, once per month, but tomorrow is the last distro for Green Thumb Farm.

Veggie Share:

- Winter radishes
- carrots
- butternut squash
- broccoli rabe
- red Russian kale
- Jerusalem artichokes

Lewis Waite's December delivery is also tomorrow, for those who placed orders.
