
Zucchini Butter, a new way to use up that pile of summer squash

Are you drowning in summer squash and zucchini? My newest zucchini recipe discovery: Jennie Cook's zucchini butter, cooks two pounds of zucchini down to 2 cups of yummy spreadable goodness. Delicious by itself on bread, or as part of a sandwich. I love it with tomatoes from last week's share and ricotta salata.


Super Easy and Delicious Zucchini Butter (or Marmalade)

Makes about 2 cups. Recipe from Jennie Cook, originally posted on

Notes from Green Thumb Farm August 1, 2014

August has arrived and our summer crops are in full swing. We started picking our own organic tomatoes last week so expect those over the next couple months! We will bring tomatoes in every week alternating between mini cocktail style tomatoes and large varieties. We grow over 50 varieties of tomatoes—the small minis of red, gold, yellow, white and black round cherries; red and yellow grape; red and yellow pear—we will bring a variety of each in as they become available.

Farmer Bill's newsletter (belated) from July 12

Notes from Green Thumb Farm 

July is here and our summer crops are doing well. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants--many varieties of each will be here soon! We're still picking lots of lettuces and greens--mustard, Swiss chards, radicchios, beets, onions, carrots, some broccolis. We're still picking peas but only for another week or so. Beans and squashes have started, and some herbs are picking well too. Plenty to enjoy now and plenty to look forward to.    More...

July 22, 2014 CSA share

I have been remiss in posting the shares here. Sorry. There are so many platforms... that's my excuse. 

The vegetable share this week is: lettuce, onions, Swiss chard, beans,

broccoli, radishes, radicchio.

Basil share, and herb share--mint and garlic chives--AND Lewis Waites stuff. 

And the fruit share, which is currently unknown. 

Please check back in the next few days for Farmer Bill's newsletter. 


Notes from Green Thumb Farm--July 1

Summer is finally here! Our crops are growing well. Up until last week we had ample rain, though this week the soils are dying out from lack of rain. The nights have been cool last month (June) so most crops are maturing later than ears previous. Swiss chard, beets, fennel, radicchio and all sorts of peas are being picked now! Herbs and lettuces are in abundance as well. Carrots, beans, onions and summer squashes will be arriving soon.

June 24 Share

Your vegetable share is: strawberries, rhubarb, lettuce, the salad herb curly cress, and green mustard.
Your herb share is: chives and cilantro

Keep an eye out for the fruit share (TBD), Lewis Waite deliveries and fish. 



Core meeting minutes for 6/17/2014

Hellgate CSA Core Meeting Minutes


We have 12 people RSVP’d for strawberry picking event this Saturday.

7 people RSVP’d for wine tasting next month.

Looking to add more events to the schedule.


Table situation:

Was ok today with the extra tables today, but we will need more in the future.

Megan will bring extra table over this weekend so that if we need more, we have it.

Can use marble tables only if we need to.

Share info for June 17, 2014, and Farmer Bill's newsletter AND strawberry picking info

All that in this tiny little blog post. 

The vegetable share is:
herbs for everyone--a choice between French tarragon and mint
Broccoli raab
radishes or sorrel

There will also be FRUIT for those with a fruit share, and TORTILLAS for
those with a tortilla share.

Strawberry picking info: 

When: Saturday, June 21st at 11am Where: Green Thumb Farm, Watermill, Long
Island, NY - at the corner of Rosehill Road and Montauk Highway
