
Event: End-of-Season Celebration!


Join your fellow CSAers for a relaxed get-together to celebrate the end of a wonderful season. Holiday-style snacks and sweets, wine, beer, and other beverages will be offered.  Families are welcome; drop by or stay awhile.

Sunday, December 11

6:00-8:00 pm

Mosaic Cafe and Lounge

25-19 24th Avenue (N/Q to Astoria Blvd)

Questions? Email


Share Menu - November 29, 2011

Hello members,

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This week's share menu is below. Please remember to bring bags.

Vegetable Share
- Lettuce
- daikon
- red lacinato kale
- pok choy
- radishes
- leeks

Please be aware that the fruit shares ended last week.

Thanks so much and Happy Eating.

Share Menu - Novembre 22, 2011

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving, Members,

Please bring your bags and your patience to this week's distro. There will be many items for members to pick up including herb share, veggies, fruit, CSA extras AND TURKEYS!!!

Vegetable Share
- Savory or sage
- scallions
- rutabagas
- siberian white kale
- purple mizuna
- tsa tsai

- TBD but probably pears and apples

Herb Share
- rosemary
- thyme

Happy Eating!

Recipes - Root Veggies and squash, new takes and twists just in time for your Holiday table.

Home and sick today, I took a little time to read some of my favorite food blogs. A little daydreaming for when I have the energy to do some "real cooking". I came across a gorgeous use for your beets:

Beet and Caramelized Onion Galette

Serves 4
1 recipe for savory tart dough (mine has hazelnuts in it)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 medium onion, thinly sliced
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 medium golden beets, peeled and thinly sliced (with a mandoline)
Fresh thyme leaves
Beet greens, optional

Share Menu - November 8, 2011

Hello Members,

We hope you all enjoy the share this week. There are some very exciting items to try! Please reference past articles/recipes posted on this blog for recipes for many of these items.

Vegetable Share
- garlic
- carrots
- winter radishes
- lettuces
- kohlrabi
- celery root
- red Russian kale


Herb Share
- chives
- winter savory

Share Menu - November 1, 2011

Hello Members!

This week's distribution is below. Please make sure to bring your bags and some to donate if you have extras.

Please, also, consider volunteering for set-up and distribution tomorrow and through the rest of the season!

Veggie Share
- Sweet Potatoes
- String beans
- turnips
- carrots
- choice of oriental greens
- acorn squash

Fruit Share

Happy Eating!



Special Presentation in Manhattan

Katherine Leiner

with Andrew Lipton and Andrew Cote

Growing Roots: The New Generation of Sustainable Farmers, Cooks, and Food Activists

Thursday, November 3, 6:30 pm

The New York Society Library, 53 East 79th Street (at Madison)

$10 per person

Share Menu - October 25, 2011

Hello all,

Below is the share information for this week. Please remember to bring your own bags and have a wonderful week filled with excellent food.

Vegetable Share
- Red lacinato kale
- carrots
- green string beans
- curly cress
- broccoli
- scallions

Fruit Share

Herb Share
- sorrel
- sage

Share Menu - October 18, 2011

Hello Members,

We hope that those of you who were able to make it out to Green Thumb Farm this past weekend had a great time! Farmer Bill is bringing in more winter greens this week. The share menu is as follows:

Vegetable Share
- tomatoes
- eggplants and hot peppers (mix of)
- red mustard greens
- diakon
- tsa tsai
- string beans

Fruit Share

Don't forget to bring your bags and Happy Eating!
