
Share Menu - November 20, 2012

Hello Members,
There are many tasty items being delivered tomorrow in time for all of our Thanksgiving celebration plans! Please bring a lot of bags and patience, as the area will be crowded with turkey orders as well as all of the below!
Happy Eating!
Vegetable Share
- Winter radishes (Masata rose and china red)
- lettuce
- fennel
- butternut squash
- choice of rosemary or sage
- sweet potatoes

Share Menu - November 13, 2012

Hello Members,
Hope you all have a chance to take in some of this lovely weather, even if it is a walk around the block of your work building, get out there and get in on what is probably the very last bit of warmer weather!
Here is our menu for the week. Please remember to bring your own bags and Happy Eating!
Vegetable Share
- sweet peppers
- carrots
- lettuce
- tsatsai
- scallions
- cilantro
- sweet potatoes

Share Menu and Green Thumb

Hello Members!
Astoria made it through the storm and we are hoping that all of our members had very little trouble last week! That being said, our farmer Bill is still without power in his home but Green Thumb is up and running and delivering this Tuesday! Please note that the shares will be larger this week and the next to make up for last week's missed delivery.

Share Menu - October 16, 2012

Hello members and welcome to another great week of local food! Our menu for the week is as follows:

Vegetable Share
- Mibuna (an oriental green good in stir-frys and salads)
- sweet potatoes
- large tomatoes
- lettuce
- black eyed peas
- Selection of string beans: Dragon tongue beans (an heirloom bean) or Romano beans


Herb Share
- Thyme
- Savory

Also, for pick up is the TORTILLA SHARE, if you have purchased one!

Share Menu - October 9th

Hello Members,
Please bring your own bags tomorrow and make sure you remember to pick up if you have LWF orders!
Vegetable Share
- Mini tomatoes
- leeks
- red mustard
- lettuce
- string beans
- summer squash
-Asian Pears
-Bosc Pears
-Mutsu Apples

Happy Eating! 

Using Your Share - Early October


It is early October and we are still getting fresh tomatoes and summer squash. Come January, we'll be wishing we had them again but right now I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what to do with the bounty! For starters, I found an excellent change of pace in this recipe from one of my favorite blogs, Smitten Kitchen: and it is easy to find store bought puff pastry these days.

Share Menu - October 2, 2012

Good morning members of Astoria Hellgate CSA! Here is your menu for the week.
Vegetable Share
- tomatoes
- lettuce
- celery root
- sweet peppers
- summer squash
- Tsa Tsai (leafy green similar to bok choi)
- TBA (but probably pears and apples)
Herb Share
- chives
- rosemary
Happy Eating!

Event: Pumpkin Tour and Hayride at Green Thumb Farm!


Pumpkin Tour and Hayride at Green Thumb Farm!

Saturday, October 13

Take a hayride of the CSA's primary farm, visit their farmstand, indulge in the sights, smells, and tastes of autumn, and take home a free pumpkin.  Kids of all ages welcome.

Tours are scheduled for 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 1:30 PM.  To participate, call the farm at 631-726-1900 to reserve space in the tour of your choice.  Some tours may fill up early.
