
Share Menu - June 28, 2011

Hello Members!

This week we will have Meat and Dairy orders delivered as well as Veggie and Herb shares. There will be no fruit delivery this week.

Additionally, due to the way the calendar works this year, there will be no distribution at all on July 5th. Our first distro of July will be July 12th.

As always, remember to bring your own bags and a few extra for members in a pinch. Happy Eating!

Vegetable Share

- Mustard Greens
- Curly Cress (a salad green)
- lettuce
- Sugar snap peas
- Beets

Herb Share

Notes from Green Thumb Farm

Summer has begun and strawberry season is here! After 2 weeks of picking the rains have begun and strawberries have begun to suffer. Spotted ones and many more unpickable berries are appearing. Without the use of fungicides - which conventional farmers are now using to fight the wet weather - our organic berries do not last as long. Strawberries are one of the foods listed containing the most pesticides - so enjoy those organic berries while they last!

Share Menu - June 21, 2011

Happy Monday, Members!

This week we will be getting an early fruit share distribution. For all who signed up for a fruit share, Hepworth farms will be delivering this week. We will let you know about next week, as they may have to skip due to harvest. If they don't, then the fruit share will end one week earlier than last year. Just watch your mailers for information, week to week, as the harvest is sometimes variable. Hepworth will be bringing STRAWBERRIES this week!!!

Save Summer's Harvest--Learn to Can!



It’s peak fruit season—save the summer’s bounty by learning to can! CSAer AJ Simone will show you all the basics you need to know for preserving the harvest. This particular class will make strawberry lemon preserves, which will be raffled to a lucky participant at the end. Hot Water Bath Canning 101 Wednesday, June 29 7:00-10:00 pm. $5 suggested donation Space is limited! Seats must be reserved—send an email to Instructions and recipes will be handed out; be ready to take notes.

Share Menu - June 14, 2011

Good morning, Members! Below is tomorrow's vegetable and herb share menu. Please remember to bring your bags (and any you may want to donate for your fellow members). Please also remember that distribution is 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, tomorrow.

Vegetable Share

- Strawberries
- Lettuce
- savory
- asparagus
- sugar snap peas

Herb Share

- chives
- mint

Happy Eating, everyone!

Share Menu - June 7, 2011 - FIRST SHARE OF THE SEASON!

Welcome Back Hellgate CSA Members!

This week is Veggie Share only. Here is what you are picking up tomorrow:

Strawberries (one quart)
Sunchokes (aka Jerusalem artichokes)

Please remember to bring bags with you and if you have extras, bring those to donate for your fellow members. If you have a Meat and Dairy order for tomorrow, please pick that up as well. Happy Eating!

Event: Strawberry Fields Forever!



Strawberry Picking at Green Thumb Farm!

Hellgate community members of all ages are welcome!

Saturday, June 18

The bus leaves at 9:00 am sharp from the parking lot at Astoria Park (roughly 19th Street/24th Road) and returns at about 4:00 pm.

In between, we'll tour the CSA's primary farm, visit their farmstand, enjoy lunch on the lawn, and gorge ourselves on sweet summer strawberries right off the vine.

Please bring a sack lunch.

Suggested donation: $10 per person, $20 per family (2 or more)

We need to know you’re coming!

First Vegetable Pickup--AND PARTY--This Tuesday, June 7!



Welcome to a new year with Hellgate CSA! Our wonderful organic vegetables start coming to us straight from the farm THIS TUESDAY, JUNE 7.

Like every week, pickup will take place 5:30-7:30 pm at Fresh Start Organic Market, 29-13 23rd Avenue, just west of 31st Street. Walk through the store to the patio at the rear. Please remember to bring your own bags!

For our first pickup, we'll have a festive atmosphere with some light refreshments, music, and an opportunity to meet your core group and fellow CSA folks.

Meat and Dairy Order Reminder


Just a reminder that anyone wishing to order Meat and Dairy for June 7th delivery, the deadline is tonight at midnight. Please see the "Meat and Dairy" page on the blog for further details. Among other amazing variety of products and wonderful new things in stock, Nancy reports that they have available from Cayuga Farms, Yellow Popcorn in 1 lb. bags and Lewis Waite has bacon back in stock!

Reminder: Meet the Farmers on Tuesday


Remember to drop by the relaxed atmosphere at local business Mosaic Cafe and meet our vegetable farmer, Bill Halsey of Green Thumb Farm, and other folks who will be providing our organic produce this season. Families welcome. No need to RSVP, but send any questions to

Tuesday, May 31
6:30-8:00 pm
Mosaic Cafe and Lounge, 25-19 24th Avenue
directions and other information at
