
Start-of-Season Events!


Hellgate CSA 2011 Events
Save the Dates!

The new season of fabulous organic produce starts soon. Note these dates for three upcoming events as we head into the season--

Meet the Farmers
Drop by the relaxed atmosphere at local business Mosaic Cafe and meet our vegetable farmer, Bill Halsey of Green Thumb Farm, and other folks who will be providing our organic produce this season. Families welcome. No need to RSVP, but send any questions to

Last Share Menu of the Season - December 14, 2010

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is the last share of the season. Additionally, Lewis Waite will be making the December delivery tomorrow. Look for one more article later this week on this blog on how to use your share and make your late season shares last through to the New Year. Thank you all for supporting local farmers and being a part of this organization that brings organic, local good food to you and your neighbors. Happy Holidays and see you next season!

Vegetable Share
- Winter squash
- dried black beans

Share Menu - December 7, 2010

Hello Members,

Tomorrow is the next to last share for the season. Additionally, Wednesday is the deadline for December orders (December 14th) with Lewis Waite Farms. LWF has now gone to Winter delivery schedule, which will be one delivery per month. Please see the Meat and Dairy page on the Hellgate CSA website for further details. Therefore, if you would like to have special treats from LWF during your Christmas and New Year celebrations, you should place your order by Wednesday this week.

Vegetable Share

Share Menu - November 30, 2010

We're getting close to the end of the season, and we'd like to know how your experiences with the CSA were. Please watch your inbox later this week for a survey and help us make your CSA even better next year!

Additionally, please note that the last share is December 14th. There will be one more herb share in December.

Vegetable Share
- white Russian kale
- sweet potatoes
- lettuce
- fennel
- rosemary

End-of-Season Party (and Cookie Exchange)!



 Hellgate CSA 2010 Special Event


End-of-Season Party (and Cookie Exchange)!

Sunday, December 12

6:00-8:00 pm

Waltz-Astoria, 23-14 Ditmars Boulevard

A casual but festive conclusion to our extra-long CSA season.

Bring yourself, your family, and, if you want, a batch of your favorite cookies to share.

Share Menu - November 23, 2010

Hello Members,

Hope you are looking forward to a wonderful holiday later this week and that you'll be able to use this week's share as part of your celebration menu.
Please remember to bring your own bags to pick-up. Reminder that this week is also pick-up for Lewis Waite Farm orders.

Thanks all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Vegetable Share
- Sweet potatoes
- lettuce
- winter radish mix (these will be wrapped in a bag and contain masato, black spanish and china red radishes)
- arugula

Sweet Potatoes with Pecans and Goat Cheese

Hey Fellow CSA Members,

The below link is a recipe from Smitten Kitchen, a wonderful and reliable NYC food blog. It made me hungry just reading the recipe! Order some goat cheese from Lewis Waite Farms and you can find local shallots and celery (or use stalks from the pak choi or tatsoi as a sub) and make this yummy looking recipe as a change up from the usual sweet potato preparations.

Share Menu - November 9, 2010

This week's menu is listed below. Please remember that tomorrow is also pick-up for your orders with Lewis Waite Farms. Please, also, remember to bring your own bags.

Vegetable Share

- sweet potatoes
- leeks
- broccoli
- lettuce
- choice of bok choi OR mei quing choi*

Fruit Share

- TBD, but probably apples

Herb Share

- dill
- cilantro
